Méthode Gauthier app for iPhone and iPad
"IMPORTANT NOTICE: Always consult your doctor or a qualified health professional before starting any new treatment, diet or fitness program. You must read and accept the agreement to use the application before experimenting the Gauthier’s Way.
Gauthier’s Way takes no more than 120 minutes per week.
It can reduce bad cholesterol, sugar in the blood, blood pressure, waist and visceral fat detrimental to your health and well-being.
Gauthier’s Way includes 5 axis easy to put into practice, and this, at almost zero cost. The basic principles are simple.
Gauthier’s way is a blend of current scientific data that enables you to be in shape and maintain a healthy weight.
It’s up to you to experience it!
Axis I: HIIT or Anaerobic activities
Axis II: Strength training muscle
Axis III: Intermittent fasting
Axis IV: DASH diet and Mediterranean
Axis V: Raja Yoga Meditation"